Geometric Algorithm Visualizations

by Gavin Nishizawa

Project Goal

The project is to build an interactive educational tool for geometric algorithms, which is able to simultaneously highlight the geometric data currently being operated on and the high level algorithmic task being worked on. This should provide a visual link between the idea of the algorithm, and the visualized geometry of the problem.

Convex Hull via Graham's Scan

An interactive visualization of the graham's scan algorithm for computing the convex hull of a set of points.


The convex hull of a set of points is the smallest convex shape which encloses the set of points. A planar shape is convex if none of its interior angles are greater than 180 degrees. Graham's scan is an incremental construction algorithm for computing the convex hull of a set of points. The algorithm constructs the upper and lower portions of the convex hull independently and joins the results. The upper and lower portions of the convex hull are split by the leftmost and rightmost points. It is an incremental construction algorithm because the hull is partially constructed as each point is added one at a time.

Algorithm Overview

The algorithm starts by sorting the points by x (primary) and y (secondary). For both the upper and lower hull sections, the following steps occur. Initialize a stack with the first 2 points. Repeatedly pop a point from the top of the stack while the interior angle between the next point to be added, and the top two points on the stack is greater than 180 degrees. Finally the add the point onto the stack before proceeding to the next point. The upper and lower hull sections process the points in opposite directions, one after the other.


Algorithm Steps

  1. Sort the points data structure by x value then y value
  2. Compute the upper hull
    • Check interior angle
    • Pop old point
    • Push new point
  3. Compute the lower hull
    • Check interior angle
    • Pop old point
    • Push new point

High-level algorithm state: Not running


  1. Paper.js :
  2. Mount, David. “CMSC 754 Computational Geometry. Lecture Notes” UMD Department of Computer Science, 2012,
  3. Bootstrap :